#Week 1. Brilliant ideas and fast growing projects that didn't end up well

Welcome to my blog for the course SPEAIT. My name is Carlos Rodriguez and my first blog entry is dedicated to 3 tech failures that led to a shift in the way the business was doing up to the moment of the release. I will focus in services that particularly shocked me in my early youth. I will start with Napster, an online peer-2-peer file sharing service that endeavoured an incredible success for the time it was operative. The service reached a considerably high amount of users (about 26.4 million users), during a time when the number of internet connections was much smaller, with some estimates topping 80 million. By saying the time it was operative, I mean that it faced legal issues and closed down since it was undoubtedly tearing apart a very profitable music industry. The legal battle between Napster and Metallica heavy metal band was followed worldwide. Even though it ended up as a failure, It opened the way for many other platforms and above all, it made the music industry realize...