#Week 12. Opinion about the new ideals for the millenium by Pekka Himanen

 I think Pekka Himmanen when referring to the term hacker he tries to tries to reflect the spirit of  70’s when the enthusiasm, passion, creativity, care, freedom,... was driving all the people on the field. I don’t say it is no longer like that but probably not at that level at least in terms of freedom and passion. In contrast the information nowadays, with the appearance of the WWW, is more available that it was back then and the amount of people with technological awareness or knowledge has exponentially increased and if you really want to get into this field, you have to feel some passion and the necessity to be creative bringing something valuable to the society and yourself. As we saw in the past article creativity and passion is what it makes a community to move on. Without that, we know that everything will remain static and this is prone to collapse at certain point. A good example of the Ethical Hacker Values and the way it has improved the world is the creation of the WWW by Tim Berners Lee.

In fact all the values that Himmanen highlights are the ones that almost any company or society is looking for, in my opinion to improve and succeed, and in a technological field, of course, this is a must. In particular, the ethical work values, I think this is going to be adopted worldwide but the freedom values, I am more sceptical about them. I am also sceptical about how the less developed countries can fit into this and if the value of care will be really implemented.


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