# Week 14. New ways of interaction with a computer.

 I will talk this week about eye-controlled mouse. A technology that can help you to control the computer just with your eyes. I have been looking for different approaches to get a good functionality such as glasses with cameras attached to it or just cameras attach to the screen to render your eyes and movements. I am taking these options as a complementary functionality of a mouse or touchpad because of the difficulties of perform operations like clicking, dragging files and so on. I am more optimistic about using some implant in your brain that can collect your thoughts, eyes movement (all of them in form of electrical reactions) and codify them to interact with the computer and be able to fully control your computer, optimising the using experience.

To get familiar with the technology I found a paper called "Eye-controlled mouse cursor for physically disabled individual" that explains a simple way to have this technology working. It involves a  web – cam or camera attached to the screen.

1.1 Face detection. It is important to place your face in front of the camera so your face/eyes will be less prompted to errors.

1.2 Extrating eye area

1.3 Extracting eye location

1.4 Extacting iris region. The iris region is black and corresponds to 0 values.

1.5 Tracking eye movement

1.6 Calculating iris shift

Here below the simple algorithm used for this scientific article.

There are several commercial products on the market based on this like Tobii EyeX.
As I said there can be other options. For instance using glasses, that will decrease the calibration process but you still need to wear the glasses and the same restriction to perform certain operations.

So I think the best solution will come from biotechnology and implants. For instance there is a “brain computer interface” on trial that is being tested by people affected by severe paralysis. This is the website https://synchron.com/stentrode. According to the patients comments, they are quite satisfied with it so It can pave the way for a most modern and perfect device that will make a difference for people with paralysis deseases and overall people interested for a more vibrant and optimal interaction with a computer.

Here below the sources used to write this entry:

1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325919286_Eye-controlled_mouse_cursor_for_physically_disabled_individual

2. https://usabilitygeek.com/gt3d-eye-tracker-makes-life-easier-for-physically-impaired-users/


4. https://synchron.com/stentrode


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